E Patient Gynecology Opole 2022v2

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  • Post published:30/09/2020
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  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:15/10/2020

Thanks for your appreciation

We are pleased to inform you, that the Clinical Center received a distinction in the 17th edition of the "Opole Quality Award". This year's competition, organized by the Opole Chamber of Commerce,  was a tribute and thanks to the healthcare professionals, caring for the inhabitants of the Opolskie Voivodeship during the pandemic.…

read onThanks for your appreciation
  • Post published:11/09/2020
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  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:15/10/2021

Baby milk, photos for parents

Wychodząc naprzeciw oczekiwaniom rodziców w Klinicznym Centrum istnieje możliwość dostarczania pokarmu kobiecego przez matki dzieci leczonych w Pododdziale Patologii Noworodków.Matki pacjentów leczonych w Pododdziale Patologii Noworodków mogą dostarczać pokarm dla dzieci do Punktu Informacyjnego od poniedziałku do piątku w godzinach

read onBaby milk, photos for parents
  • Post published:11/09/2020
  • Post author:
  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:10/03/2021

Opolskie cares about families

Perinatal care, diagnostics of child development up to the age of years 2, parenting counseling is just general slogans, under which there are a number of specific services provided at the Clinical Center as part of the project "Coordination and comprehensive family support in the field of specialist counseling, prevention, diagnostics…

read onOpolskie cares about families

© Clinical Gynecology Center,Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

45-066 Opole
the. W. Reymont 8

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