E Patient Gynecology Opole 2022v2

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  1. Code of Ethics, hereinafter referred to as the "Code", sets out the rules of conduct for employees of the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole in connection with the performance of their official duties.
  2. Ethics principles of the employee of the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology, hereinafter referred to as "Clinical Center" result from general moral standards and care for the dignity of the profession.
  3. The employee is obliged to treat his function as work for the statutory tasks of the Clinical Center, as well as patients and clients.
  4. It is the employee's responsibility to know the Code of Ethics and comply with the rules and standards set out in it.
  5. The employee is obliged to comply with the legal order, ethical and moral standards, including professional ethical standards and the principles of social coexistence and diligent performance of entrusted tasks.
  6. The employee should be guided in his work by concern for the common good of employees and patients.
  7. Standards of behavior and conduct at work apply to all employees of the Clinical Center, regardless of the form of employment.

An employee of the Clinical Center, in performing his duties, is in particular obliged to comply with the following principles:

Principle of honesty
  1. The employee acts impartially, honestly and wisely, bearing in mind the good of the patient and respecting his rights arising from regulations and these, which belong to every human being.
  2. The employee, while performing official activities, is guided by the principles arising from the mission of the Clinical Center.
  3. An authorized employee informs patients of their rights by performing all activities, in particular related to the treatment process, guided by the right attitude and understanding.
  4. The employee provides information on health status and negotiations, persons authorized to obtain this information, in accordance with its competence.
  5. The employee makes the utmost effort, that the obligations arising from legal provisions, i.e.. Medical Profession Act, Act on the profession of nurses and midwives, execute other regulations with the greatest possible care.
  6. The employee protects the interests of the Clinical Center community and its individual members.
  7. The employee does not undertake works that conflict with official duties.
  8. The employee does not use official information for private purposes.
  9. Managing entrusted property and public funds, he shows due diligence and economy.
The principle of professionalism
  1. The employee performs professional activities to the knowledge, honestly, matter-of-factly and with due diligence.
  2. An employee of the Clinical Center strives to constantly improve his professional qualifications. Enriches the acquired knowledge and skills with professional experience.
  3. The employee demonstrates knowledge of the Clinical Center's problems.
  4. The employee strives to record the legal acts necessary to carry out the tasks.
  5. The employee is ready to substantively and legally justify his own actions.
  6. The employee performs the entrusted tasks in a reasonable manner, determined and effective.
  7. An employee, when in doubt as to the proper conduct, seeks the assistance of another employee, supervisor or relevant legal acts.
  8. The employee is creative and active in the undertaken activities, and the supervisor presents motions on the improvement of the work performed on his own initiative.
  9. The employee strives to obtain the best possible results of his work while minimizing the outlays.
  10. The employee should respect the values ​​and ownership of the information and not disclose it without proper notice.
  11. The employee respects the patient's right to privacy and personal dignity.
The principle of non-discrimination
  1. The employee should refrain from any unjustified and unequal treatment of individuals due to their nationality, sex, race, skin color, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or creed, political beliefs or other beliefs, belonging to a national minority, owned property, birth, disability, age or sexual preferences.
  2. The employee treats all patients equally, colleagues and clients, not succumbing to pressure and accepting no obligations arising from kinship, knowledge or affiliation.
Principle of impartiality and independence
  1. The employee acts impartially, independently and refrains from any arbitrary actions, which can have a negative impact on the situation of individuals, and from all forms of favoritism, regardless of the motives for doing so.
  2. Employees' personal or family interests cannot influence the conduct of employees, or political pressure. An employee cannot participate in making decisions, in which he or a close member of his family would have any financial interest.
The principle of objectivity
  1. In making decisions, the employee takes into account all relevant factors and assigns each of them their due importance, does not take into account circumstances unrelated to the case.
  2. The employee performs tasks diligently and efficiently, making full use of our knowledge and experience. He bases his decisions and findings on established objective truth.
  3. The employee maintains impartiality in collecting, assessing and providing information.
  4. When formulating assessments and opinions, he is not guided by subjective interests, lack of understanding and unkindness.
  5. An employee may not participate in activities, which would make it impossible to make objective assessments of any events contrary to the interests of the Clinical Center.
The rule of law
  1. The employee operates in accordance with the rule of law, applies procedures resulting from generally applicable provisions and internal regulations of the Clinical Center.
  2. The employee pays attention to this, that decisions regarding the rights or interests of entities have a legal basis, and their content was in accordance with applicable law.
  1. In his contacts with patients, petentami, the employee acts properly and politely with other institutions and colleagues.
  2. The employee tries to be as helpful as possible and provides answers to the questions addressed to him as comprehensively and accurately as possible.
  3. The employee speaks clearly, understandable and considerate.
  4. If the employee is not competent in the given case, directs it to the appropriate employee.
  5. When a mistake is made that infringes the rights or interests of an individual, the employee tries to correct the negative effects of his error in the most appropriate way.
Principle of shared responsibility
  1. The employee's business relations are based on cooperation, camaraderie, mutual respect, help and sharing experience and knowledge.
  2. Employee conflicts in which the employee is a party, the employee tries to solve it, and in justified cases he is assisted by the Ethics Team or, at his request, conflicts are resolved in a substantive and objective manner by the supervisor or the Director of the Clinical Center.
  3. The employee cares, that conflicts with other employees do not adversely affect the quality of their duties.
  4. The employee behaves with dignity in the workplace and outside of it, and its attitude does not lower the authority and credibility of the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole.
  5. The employee cares about the property of the Clinical Center, his property and all other values ​​by protecting them.
  6. The employee counteracts the occurrence of irregularities and errors, and the occurring cases of irregularities are reported to the supervisor.
Principle of responsibility
  1. The employee is obliged to comply with the Code of Ethics and be guided by its principles.
  2. Employee regardless of the position held, is responsible for the effects of his work, including decisions made, materials prepared and information provided.
  3. The employee bears order and disciplinary responsibility for violating the principles of the Code of Ethics.
  1. The Code of Employee Ethics is subject to annual review and constant assessment of employees of the Clinical Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology in Opole.
  2. All employees of the Clinical Center are familiar with the Code.
  3. All employees and patients are entitled to submit comments regarding the Code to the Clinical Director of the Center or the Team for. Ethics of the Clinical Center.
  1. The Code is approved by the Clinical Director of the Center and is a public document.
  2. The Code is posted on the website of the Clinical Center.
  3. Changes to the code are made upon request, which must be backed by at least 10 employees.

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Szpitalny Zespół Etycznyinformacje

© Clinical Gynecology Center,Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

45-066 Opole
the. W. Reymont 8

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