E Patient Gynecology Opole 2022v2

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Meals for patients of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital and Newborns in Opole are prepared in the kitchen of the Clinical Center, for pregnant women and in the postpartum period in accordance with the "Standard of hospital nutrition for pregnant and postpartum women - Mother's Diet" implemented under the pilot program of the Ministry of Health and the National Health Fund.

Posiłki przygotowywane są w oparciu o jadłospis opracowany przez dietetyka – adapted to the diet prescribed by the doctor – which also takes care of ensuring variety of dishes and the balance of nutrients. In addition to standard diets, we also respect those resulting from the individual choices of our patients, i.e.. vegetarian and vegan diet. All meals are prepared with the HACCP system implemented in the Clinical Center.
On each floor of the hospital, patients have a refrigerator at their disposal, electric stove, cordless kettle and microwave.


Jadłospis dla hospitalizowanych pacjentek w ciąży lub połogu opracowany zgodnie ze standardami pilotażowego programu „ Standard szpitalnego żywienia kobiet w ciąży i w okresie poporodowymDieta Mamy”. Aktualne jadłospisy publikowane są w zakładce: Informacje dla pacjenta/żywienie

Dietician on duty

Pregnant women and women in the postpartum period during hospitalization at the Clinical Center may take advantage of a free consultation with a nutritionist. Advice on proper nutrition is provided by Mrs. Katarzyna Kupiec - a dietitian, on duty every Tuesday and Thursday from. 9.00-12.00. Patients interested in consultation, please contact us at ext. no 471 or 470.

Ladies interested in consulting our dietitian after hospitalization, by 2 months after giving birth, please contact us via email: kkupiec@ginekologia.opole.pl

Worth knowing

We encourage you to use the information and advice developed in the project of the Institute of Food and Nutrition Prevention of overweight and obesity and chronic diseases by educating the public in the field of nutrition and physical activity and as part of running the National Center for Nutritional Education.

Valuable information and advice on proper nutrition, regardless of age and diet, can be found on the website: www.ncez.pl, and also take advantage of the free on-line dietary consultation: https://poradnia.ncez.pl/.

Patient opinion survey

We inform, that the patients of the Centrum Clinical Hospital have the opportunity to express their opinion and comment on food. Przez jeden miesiąc w każdym kwartale przed zakończeniem hospitalizacji otrzymują ankietę umożliwiającą wyrażenia swojej opinii nt. the quality of the services provided, including. meals, which supports the improvement of all aspects of our facility's operations.

Wszelkie uwagizarówno pozytywne, jak negatywnemożna również wysyłać na adres: kkupiec@ginekologia.opole.pl

Public Independent Healthcare Institution, Voivodeship Medical Center in Opole together with the project partner : Independent Specialist Mother and Child Healthcare Team in Opole from January 15, 2015. Gynecology center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole , implement the project entitled. ”Optimization of care for a pregnant woman, mother and newborn, taking into account the contact of parents with the child and promotion of natural feeding "

co-financed from the Operational Program PL07 under the EEA FM and NFM 2009-2014

"Improvement and better adjustment of health care to demographic and epidemiological trends"

Amount of funding :

  • Gross eligible costs : 9 356 777,00 PLN
  • Co-financing in the amount of 80 % task values : 7 485 421,00 PLN
  • Own contribution 20% task values : 1 871 356,00 PLN
  • Investment expenses : 6 378 719,00 PLN

The implementation of the project will have a positive impact on reducing the progressive demographic decline in the Opolskie Voivodeship , a także całego kraju. Cel projektu to poprawa opieki perinatalnejświadczenia z zakresu profilaktyki, diagnostyka i leczenie w celu zwiększenia liczby urodzeń. Grupy docelowe, pregnant women, mothers and newborns, taking into account parent-child contact and the promotion of natural feeding, taking care of the woman from the beginning of pregnancy - reducing the number of miscarriages and detecting possible defects or complications.

Działania planowane do realizacjizadania w ramach projektu (gross):

  • caring for a newborn in need of intensive care : 4 773 557,00 PLN
  • caring for the mother, pregnancy and newborn baby : 3 126 108,00 PLN
  • establishment of a milk bank : 1 381 642,00 PLN
  • project promotion : 75 470,00 PLN

The most important elements of the investment part related to the reconstruction / extension / renovation :

  • reconstruction of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy of Children and Newborns at PS ZOZ WCM in Opole,
  • modernization of the Neonatal and Premature Pathology Department at the Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole
  • adaptation of premises for the creation of the Milk Bank in the Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

The assumed indicators to be achieved as a result of the project implementation are :

  • number of patients benefiting from improved health services - 4595
  • number of implemented infrastructure projects - 1
  • liczba sesji szkoleniowych dla personelu medycznego – 7
  • number of patients hospitalized annually in the ICU and ICU, where parents can be present at any time and actively participate in the treatment process - 325
  • number of consultations provided in newly created clinics : Lactation and Early Pregnancy Pathology ( annually) – 740
  • liters of breast milk in the Milk Bank ( annually ) – 200

Completion of the project is planned for December 2016.


W 2018 Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole obtained funds from the PZU SA prevention fund. Thanks to this, the purchase of a convex head for the ultrasound apparatus was fully financed and the purchase of a video laryngoscope was partially financed..

the picture shows a convex head with the inscription PZU there is a video laryngoscope in the photo

© Clinical Gynecology Center,Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

45-066 Opole
the. W. Reymont 8

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