E Patient Gynecology Opole 2022v2

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Read more about the article Opolskie for the Family – important information
Widoczna Buzia Małego Dziecka, Głowa Pod Niebieskim Kocem
  • Post published:29/03/2021
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  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:08/04/2021

Opolskie for a family – important information

W związku z dużą ilością zachorowań Kliniczne Centrum informuje, że w dniach 30 brand - 9 April this year. zostają wstrzymane świadczenia udzielane w Poradni Neonatologicznej ramach projektu „Koordynowanie i kompleksowe wsparcie rodziny w zakresie poradnictwa specjalistycznego, prevention, diagnostyki i niwelowania

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  • Post published:16/03/2021
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  • Post last modified:06/10/2021

Nowoczesny sprzęt medyczny

Respiratory, KTG, inkubatory, aparat do znieczulenia ogólnego, to tylko część sprzętu medycznego, który przez minione 2 lata kupowaliśmy na potrzeby Klinicznego Centrum Ginekologii, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole. Całkowita ich wartość wynosi ponad 2,3 million PLN, w tym dofinansowanie w

read onNowoczesny sprzęt medyczny
  • Post published:03/03/2021
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  • Post last modified:06/10/2021

Triple happiness

The first triplets in this calendar year were born at the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole. The children were born 19 February after. 13.00.  Zarówno mama jak i noworodki czują się dobrze.  - Kliniczne Centrum jako jedyne w

read onTriple happiness
  • Post published:17/02/2021
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  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:10/03/2021

Conscious Mom

23 February we invite you to the conference (online) - Conscious Mom. We especially recommend meeting Ms Katarzyna Krygier - coordinating midwife in the delivery room of the Clinical Center, whose lecture entitled. "Childbirth during a pandemic" odbędzie się w godz. 12.20 - 12.45. Osoby zainteresowane ( bezpłatnym)…

read onConscious Mom
  • Post published:01/02/2021
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  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:10/03/2021

Kampania #szczepimy się

Jeśli szukacie Państwo informacji na temat Narodowego Programu Szczepień, zachęcamy do zapoznania się z informacjami opublikowanymi na stronie internetowej: www.gov.pl/web/szczepimysie/szczepienie-przeciwko-covid-19, na której znajdują się m.in. pytania i odpowiedzi na najczęściej zadawane pytania oraz mapa punktów szczepień.

read onKampania #szczepimy się
  • Post published:26/11/2020
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  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:10/03/2021

Information for patients of the Laboratory and X-ray Laboratory

During the pandemic, in the waiting room of the Medical Diagnostic Laboratory and the X-ray Laboratory, located on the hospital premises, there is a limit of people staying at the same time - up to 5 people at the same time. Patients are admitted to the hospital successively. Visits are not scheduled for…

read onInformation for patients of the Laboratory and X-ray Laboratory
  • Post published:18/11/2020
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  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:23/11/2020

Opolskie for a family – welcome

At the beginning of December, we are resuming subscriptions for services provided at the Neonatology Clinic under the "Opolskie for the Family" program. November 23 this year. from. 10.00 you can also enroll in a new course at the Birth School, within which they will start their first classes…

read onOpolskie for a family – welcome
  • Post published:17/11/2020
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  • Post last modified:17/11/2020

World Premature Baby Day

Every year 17 November is the holiday of premature babies. This year our sub-division, on which little warriors are treated has been equipped with, among others. with modern medical equipment. It is even safer and nicer. More than 1,4 PLN million Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics…

read onWorld Premature Baby Day
  • Post published:15/10/2020
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  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:15/10/2020

Małgorzata Sobel appointed Director of the Clinical Center

According to the decision of the Board of the Opolskie Voivodeship from 15 October, Ms Małgorzata Sobel is the Clinical Director of the Center. Ms Małgorzata Sobel has been for many years, an experienced employee of the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole. W 1996 in the year she was hired as the deputy chief…

read onMałgorzata Sobel appointed Director of the Clinical Center
  • Post published:30/09/2020
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  • Post category:News
  • Post last modified:15/10/2020

Thanks for your appreciation

We are pleased to inform you, that the Clinical Center received a distinction in the 17th edition of the "Opole Quality Award". This year's competition, organized by the Opole Chamber of Commerce,  was a tribute and thanks to the healthcare professionals, caring for the inhabitants of the Opolskie Voivodeship during the pandemic.…

read onThanks for your appreciation

© Clinical Gynecology Center,Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

45-066 Opole
the. W. Reymont 8

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