E Patient Gynecology Opole 2022v2

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Ogłoszenia konkursy ofert aktualne

Konkurs ofert poprzedzający zawarcie umów na udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych

Konkurs ofert o udzielanie świadczeń opieki zdrowotnejNa podstawie art. 26 paragraph. 3 i 4 Act on medical activities (Dz. U. with 2023 r., pos. 991 with later. d.) of 15 April 2011 r. oraz ustawy z 27 sierpnia 2004r.

read onKonkurs ofert poprzedzający zawarcie umów na udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych

Konkurs ofert na udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych w zakresie konsultacji lekarskich neonatologicznych lub pediatrycznych na potrzeby Banku Mleka Kobiecego

Director of the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole, pursuant to Art. 26 of the Act of 15 April 2011 r. about medical activities (Dz. U. with 2023 r., pos. 991 with later. d.) ogłasza konkurs ofert na: udzielanie świadczeń

read onKonkurs ofert na udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych w zakresie konsultacji lekarskich neonatologicznych lub pediatrycznych na potrzeby Banku Mleka Kobiecego

Konkurs ofert na udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych w zakresie opieki lekarskiej w Referencyjnym Ośrodku Diagnostyki i Leczenia NiepłodnościPoradni Diagnostyki i Leczenia Niepłodności oraz w Poradni Konsultacyjnej – Pregnancy Pathology Clinic

Director of the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Położnictwa i Neonatologii w Opoludziałając na podstawie art. 26 of the Act of 15 April 2011 r. about medical activities (Dz. U. with 2023 r., pos. 991 with later. d.)ogłasza konkurs ofert na:udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych w zakresie

read onKonkurs ofert na udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych w zakresie opieki lekarskiej w Referencyjnym Ośrodku Diagnostyki i Leczenia NiepłodnościPoradni Diagnostyki i Leczenia Niepłodności oraz w Poradni Konsultacyjnej – Pregnancy Pathology Clinic

Competition for offers for the provision of specialized health services and the performance of highly specialized procedures in a system of 24-hour medical care (basic prescribing and performing medical duties) w ramach świadczeń szpitalnych w zakresie położnictwa i ginekologii

Director of the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole, pursuant to Art. 26 of the Act of 15 April 2011 r. about medical activities (Dz. U. with 2023 r., pos. 991 with later. d.)ogłasza konkurs ofert na:udzielanie specjalistycznych świadczeń zdrowotnych oraz

read onCompetition for offers for the provision of specialized health services and the performance of highly specialized procedures in a system of 24-hour medical care (basic prescribing and performing medical duties) w ramach świadczeń szpitalnych w zakresie położnictwa i ginekologii

Announcement of a competition for offers for the provision of specialist services in the field of medical advice, including colposcopy with biopsy and discussion of the results

COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT of 21.09.2023 rokuNa podstawie art. 26 of the Act of 15 April 2011 r. about medical activities (Dz. U. with 2023 r. pos. 991 with later. d.)Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole, 45-066 Opole, ul.

read onAnnouncement of a competition for offers for the provision of specialist services in the field of medical advice, including colposcopy with biopsy and discussion of the results

Competition for the position of Nurse/Midwife in the operating theater of the Gynecological Hospital- Obstetrics and Newborns in Opole at the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

Director of the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Położnictwa i Neonatologii w Opoluogłasza konkurs na stanowiskoPielęgniarki/Położnej Oddziałowej Bloku Operacyjnego Szpitala Ginekologiczno- Obstetrics and Newborns in Opole at the Clinical Gynecology Center, Położnictwa i Neonatologii w OpoluKonkurs zostanie przeprowadzony w oparciu o ustawę z dnia 15

read onCompetition for the position of Nurse/Midwife in the operating theater of the Gynecological Hospital- Obstetrics and Newborns in Opole at the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

Invitation to submit offers and participate in a competition of offers preceding the conclusion of an agreement regarding the provision of health services as part of basic hospital coverage at the Neonatal Clinic of the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole – assessment of the patient's general condition - interview and physical examination in order to implement the "Drug program - prevention of RSV infections"

Director of the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole,acting pursuant to Art. 26 of the Act of 15 April 2011 r. about medical activities (Journal. with 2023 r., pos. 991 with later. zm. )zaprasza do składania ofert i uczestnictwa w konkursie

read onInvitation to submit offers and participate in a competition of offers preceding the conclusion of an agreement regarding the provision of health services as part of basic hospital coverage at the Neonatal Clinic of the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole – assessment of the patient's general condition - interview and physical examination in order to implement the "Drug program - prevention of RSV infections"

Competition for offers for the provision of specialized health services and the performance of highly specialized procedures in a system of 24-hour medical care (basic prescribing and performing medical duties) as part of hospital services, in the field of anesthesiology and intensive care at the Gynecological, Obstetric and Neonatal Hospital in Opole at the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

Director of the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Położnictwa i Neonatologii w Opoludziałając na podstawie art. 26 of the Act of 15 April 2011 r. about medical activities (Dz. U. with 2023 r., pos. 991 with later. d.)ogłasza konkurs ofert na:udzielanie specjalistycznych świadczeń zdrowotnych oraz

read onCompetition for offers for the provision of specialized health services and the performance of highly specialized procedures in a system of 24-hour medical care (basic prescribing and performing medical duties) as part of hospital services, in the field of anesthesiology and intensive care at the Gynecological, Obstetric and Neonatal Hospital in Opole at the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

Competition for the position of Nurse/Midwife of the Clinical Neonatology Department- Subunit of Neonatal Pathology.

Director of the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole announces a competition for the position:Nurse/Midwife of the Clinical Neonatology Department - Subunit of Neonatal Pathology of the Gynecological Hospital- Obstetrics and Newborns in Opole at the Clinical Gynecology Center, Położnictwa i Neonatologii w Opolu.Termin składania ofert: do…

read onCompetition for the position of Nurse/Midwife of the Clinical Neonatology Department- Subunit of Neonatal Pathology.

© Clinical Gynecology Center,Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

45-066 Opole
the. W. Reymont 8

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