E Patient Gynecology Opole 2022v2

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Ogłoszenia konkursy ofert aktualne

Announcement of a course of offers for the provision of health services in the field of medical care at the Reference Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility – Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment Clinic

Director of the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Położnictwa i Neonatologii w Opoludziałając na podstawie art. 26 of the Act of 15 April 2011 r. about medical activities (Dz. U. with 2022 r., pos. 633 with later. d.)ogłasza konkurs ofert na:udzielanie świadczeń zdrowotnych w zakresie

read onAnnouncement of a course of offers for the provision of health services in the field of medical care at the Reference Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infertility – Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment Clinic

© Clinical Gynecology Center,Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

45-066 Opole
the. W. Reymont 8

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