E Patient Gynecology Opole 2022v2

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According to Art. 13 paragraph. 1 General Data Protection Regulation (RODO) we inform, that:

1) the administrator of patients' personal data is the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole, address: the. Władysław Reymont 8, 45-066 Opole;
2) the administrator has appointed the Data Protection Officer, with whom you can contact regarding the processing of your personal data via e-mail: iod@ginekologia.opole.pl;
3) the controller will process your personal data pursuant to art. 9 paragraph. 2 lit. h) RODO, i.e.. to provide health care, which results from the act of 6 November 2008 r. on the rights of the patient and the Patient's Rights Ombudsman and the Act of 15 April 2011 r. about medical activities;
4) personal data may be made available to other authorized entities, on the basis of legal provisions, and also for entities, with whom the administrator has concluded a data processing agreement in connection with the provision of services to the administrator (e.g.. external laboratory, Law Firm, software provider, external auditor);
5) the controller does not intend to transfer your personal data to a third country or an international organization;
6) you have the right to obtain a copy of your personal data at the administrator's seat.

Additionally, in accordance with Art. 13 paragraph. 2 GDPR, we inform you, that:

1) Your personal data will be stored for the period specified in the law, i.e.. from the act of 6 November 2008 r. on patient rights and the Patient Rights Ombudsman;
2) you have the right to access your data, rectify them or limit processing, as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority;
3) Providing personal information is voluntary, however, necessary to implement the above-mentioned. goals. The consequence of failure to provide data will be the refusal to provide healthcare services;
4) the administrator does not make decisions in an automated manner based on your personal data.

Patient's rights

The patient has the right to:
  1. Health services meeting the requirements of current medical knowledge.
  2. Information about your health.
  3. Secret behavior, by persons providing health services, patient information, especially with his state of health.
  4. Expressing consent or refusal to provide health services.
  5. Reporting side effects of medicinal products.
  6. Respect for intimacy and dignity, in particular during the provision of health services.
  7. Medical documentation regarding the state of health and provided health services.
  8. Objections to the opinion or decision of the doctor.
  9. Respect for private and family life.
  10. Pastoral care.
  11. Store valuables in a depository.

The text of the Act on Patients' Rights and the Patient's Rights Ombudsman is available at the nursing center.

The patient can submit complaints and requests to:

  1. Patient Rights Representative at the Clinical Center
    Liliana Ciesiołkiewicz
    (Mon.- pt. from 12.30 do 14.00)
    tel. 77 454 54 01 ext. 416, room no 16
    email: pelnomocnikpacjenta@ginekologia.opole.pl
  2. Opolskiego Oddziału Wojewódzkiego Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia

    45-310 Opole, the. Ozimska 72 A
    tel. 77 40 20 100, faks 77 40 20 101
    e-mail: sekretariat@nfz-opole.pl

  3. Offices of the Patient Ombudsman

    01-231 Warsaw, the. Płocka 11/13
    free helpline (from tel. landlines and phones): 800 190 590
    czynna całodobowo przez 7 dni w tygodniu
    fax.: (22) 506 50 64
    e-mail: kancelaria@rpp.gov.pl

Patient Responsibilities

The patient is obliged to:
  1. Comply with the organizational regulations of the Clinical Center and other regulations and internal regulations regarding the organization of work and order in hospital departments.
  2. Observance of the daily schedule while in the hospital ward.
  3. Compliance with the recommendations of medical personnel related to the treatment process.
  4. Do not disturb other patients with your behavior.
  5. Comply with hygienic and sanitary rules..
  6. Respect hospital property and comply with fire safety rules.
  7. Comply with the absolute prohibition on bringing to the Hospital and consuming alcoholic beverages and other intoxicants.
  8. Comply with the ban on smoking.
  9. Do not go outside the hospital, I guess, that it is necessary for medical reasons.

The patient is responsible for:

  1. any material damage caused by his fault,
  2. valuable things, wardrobe, money and documents, which have not been deposited


  1. The patient is jointly responsible for the behavior of his visitors.
  2. Any distance outside the ward, on which the patient is being treated, requires informing the nurse, the midwife or doctor with the time of absence.

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The Director of the Clinical Center accepts complaints and applications every Monday from. from 13.00 do 14.00.

In addition, patients can submit complaints and requests to:

1. Pełnomocnika ds. Praw Pacjentów Klinicznego Centrum Ginekologii, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

Liliana Ciesiołkiewicz
(Mon.- pt. from 12.30 do 14.00)
tel. 77 454 54 01 ext. 416, room no 16
e-mail: pelnomocnikpacjenta@ginekologia.opole.pl

2. Opolskiego Oddziału Wojewódzkiego Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia

45-310 Opole, the. Ozimska 72 A
tel. 77 40 20 100, faks 77 40 20 101
e-mail: sekretariat@nfz-opole.pl

3. Offices of the Patient Ombudsman

01-231 Warsaw, the. Płocka 11/13
free helpline (from tel. landlines and phones) : 800 190 590
czynna całodobowo przez 7 dni w tygodniu
fax.: (22) 506 50 64
e-mail: kancelaria@rpp.gov.pl

Principles of providing information about the patient's health


Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole does not provide information about the patient's health by phone.

  1. Each patient and a person indicated by the patient (confirmed with a handwritten signature on the first page of the medical history) has the right to full information about his or her health condition and access to the patient's medical records at every stage of the therapeutic and diagnostic process.
  2. Oral information about the patient's health is provided by the doctor in charge of the department, deputy physician in charge of the department or an authorized physician from Monday to Friday from 12.00 do 13.00. In emergency situations, information is also provided by the doctor on duty 24/7.
  3. Every patient over the course 12 hours from admission to the ward, he is presented and explained, in an orally understandable manner by the doctor in charge of the ward or the doctor on duty: purpose of hospitalization, diagnostic or treatment plan.
  4. Diagnostic or treatment process, as new data becomes available, research, can be modified.
  5. The patient is informed about these changes on an ongoing basis and an appropriate entry is made in the patient's medical documentation along with the modification.

Providing information in the event of a sudden deterioration of the patient's health

  1. In the event of a sudden deterioration of the patient's health, endangering his life, the hospital is obliged to immediately notify the person or institution indicated by the sick person, their statutory representative or actual guardian and note this fact in the patient's records, including the hour and minute of the notification.
  2. Information on the deterioration of the patient's health is provided by the head of the department, deputy doctor in charge of the ward or the doctor on duty.
  3. If there is no possibility of contact with the patient's family (authorized person), this fact should be noted in the medical records and the contact should be repeated.

Principles of providing information about the patient's health - sig

In order to facilitate the sharing of medical records collected by the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole below we present the basic principles of the Clinical Center.

Medical records are shared:

  1. To the patient, which this documentation concerns upon presentation of a document confirming his identity: e.g.: ID card, passport.
  2. The patient's statutory representative upon presentation of the relevant document:
  3. parents, until the child is finished 18 years, upon showing your ID card,
  4. court-appointed guardians, upon presentation of a relevant decision (caring for a minor, caring for the disabled or incapacitated, probation officer, etc.).
  5. To the person authorized by the patient in the medical documentation, upon presentation by that person of a document confirming his / her identity: e.g.: ID card, passport.
  6. To the person authorized by the patient in a written authorization certified with the authorizing signature.
  7. After the patient's death, the person authorized by the patient in a written declaration has the right to access the medical documentation.

Forms of sharing documentation:

Available for inspection at the premises of the Clinical Gynecology Center, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole in the Organization and Supervision Department in the presence of a department employee and by drawing up extracts, copies or copies of medical records.

Receipt of medical records takes place:

  • personally
  • by an authorized person
  • by e-mail (e-mail address provided on admission to hospital or provided in person (an authorized person) in the Organization and Supervision Department)
  • post office (with acknowledgment of receipt, service paid by the Applicant)

In case of collection of the documentation by an authorized person, which is not indicated in the documentation of the Clinical Center, an authorization to issue medical documentation should be submitted additionally.

Applications can be submitted:

  • in person or by another person around the clock with each employee of the Clinical Center
  • by post to the address of the Clinical Center
  • send to an e-mail address:


  • by phone at the phone number:

77 4545401 ext. 416

  • ePUAP platform: /ginopole / SkrytkaESP

In order to facilitate the processing of applications, the following templates can be used.

Payment rules for the preparation of the statement, an excerpt or copy of medical records:

The prices for the preparation of medical documentation were determined on the basis of Art. 28 of the Act of 6 November 2008. on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman (Journal. from 2017, 1318 with later. d.) and art. 20 point 2 of the Act of 17 December 1998. on pensions and disability pensions from the Social Insurance Fund and are subject to change.

The first copy of your medical records is provided free of charge, and each subsequent one is payable according to the price list in force at the Clinical Center.

In case of questions or ambiguities, please contact the Organization and Supervision Department by phone 77 434 06 47 or 77 454 54 01 ext. 417

We are at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 7:35 do 15:00

Authorization to issue documentation
Fee for providing medical records

You have the right to!
Information booklet for victims of sexual violence, including rape

Sexual violence can meet both women, as well as men. However, in over 90% cases, women are victims of sexual violence.
Sexual violence (a crime) is to lead to surrenderę any activitysexual activity against the will of the other person.

If you were brought into body contact or any other sexual involvement against your will, e.g.. touching intimate parts of the body, viewing pornographic material, listening to content related to your sexuality – you are a victim of sexual abuse, which is a crime!

For offenses specified in Chapter XXV of the Criminal Code (Offenses against sexual freedom and morality) is anticipated a unified procedure of prosecuting ex officio.


  • Nothing justifies violence. It doesn't matter what your dress code is, manner of behavior or state of sobriety. The perpetrator should be held responsible!
  • If your partner, also spouse, makes you have sex, when you don't want it or in a way, which you do not accept, this is also sexual violence!
  • Force them to watch or listen to content related to sexuality, it is also violence!
  • If you are a rape victim, do not wash yourself before the examination, don't take a shower, do not change clothes or underwear. Perpetrator's body fluids (sperm, saliva) will allow to indicate the perpetrator. If the violence took place in your home, don't clean anything up, don't wash it off, do not throw, so as not to cover my tracks.
  • Take advantage of the support of a loved one, non-governmental organizations and relevant institutions.


Telephones - Opole:

  • City Police Headquarters in Opole, tel.: +48 77 453 95 04 tel.: +48 77 422 25 45 tel: +48 77 422 25 75 , com: 112
  • Society for Family Development, Branch in Opole, tel.: 77 4544845 com: 502 491 802
  • Poviat Family Assistance Center in Opole, tel.: 77 54 15 001
  • Crisis Intervention Center Municipal Social Welfare Center, tel.: 77 4556391
  • Lost in the World Association, tel.: 77 45 30 163
  • Home of Mother and Child of the Diocesan Foundation of the Defense of Life, tel.: 77 545 07 60

If you come directly to the Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole, our facility has a statutory obligation to notify the Police about an offense.

In a medical facility:

  • You have the right to notify a loved one.
  • You have the right to a psychological consultation.
  • You have the right to be informed about patient rights.
  • You have the right to respect your privacy.
  • You have the right to a forensic examination and in the case of domestic violence to initiate the "Blue Card" procedure.
  • You have the right to be examined by a doctor in the presence of a loved one.
  • You have the right to information and advice, including in the field of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • You have the right to replacement clothing and a shower after the examination.

At the police station:

  • You have the right to, that the closest person is with you and supports you.
  • You have the right to respect for your privacy and intimacy.
  • You have the right to ask for a social assistant from a women's organization or Crisis Intervention Center.
  • You have the right to be informed about your rights and obligations in a form that is understandable to you.
  • You have the right to be interviewed by a Police officer trained in contact with a victim of sexual violence, without the presence of other people.
  • You have the right to show you the perpetrator under conditions that prevent your identification.
  • You have the right to reserve the sole information of the public prosecutor or the court of your place of residence.
  • You have the right to read the contents of the testimony report before signing it.
  • You have the right to be transported to a medical facility for medical assistance and preservation of traces.

Further actions:

  • You have the right to apply to act as an auxiliary prosecutor (until the indictment is read at the hearing). This will allow you to participate actively in the hearing.
  • You are entitled to free psychological assistance.
  • You are entitled to free legal aid.
  • You have the right to respect and support from all those around you.

Material prepared on the basis of the Action Platform "Stop Sexual Violence in Poland"
as part of cooperation: • Office of the Government Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment • Foundation Aid for Women and Children • Police Headquarters • Ministry of Labor and Social Policy • Ministry of Justice • Ministry of Interior and Administration • Ministry of Health • General Prosecutor's Office • District Prosecutor's Office Warsaw Praga in Warsaw • Hospital
Praga p.w. Transfiguration of the Lord in Warsaw • Medicover Hospital

Information for victims of violence


Zbiór zasad organizacyjno-porządkowych dotyczy praw i obowiązków pacjentów hospitalizowanych w Klinicznym Centrum Ginekologii, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole


  1. Każdy pacjent przyjęty do oddziału jest zapoznawany z zasadami organizacyjno-porządkowymi dotyczącymi jego praw i obowiązków oraz z topografią i harmonogramem pracy oddziału.
  2. The text is available in writing at each department, on the information board and on the website of the Clinical Center.

The patient has the right to:

  1. Obtaining health services that meet the requirements of current medical knowledge.
  2. Providing health services with due diligence by persons performing a medical profession, in rooms that meet specific professional and sanitary requirements. At the patient's request, a relative may be present when providing health services.
  3. Expressing consent to the provision of specific health services or refusal of such consent, after getting information about your health condition. In the case of surgery or the application of a treatment or diagnostic method that creates an increased risk, consent is given in writing.
  4. Obtaining accessible information about the patient's health from a healthcare professional, recognition, proposed and possible diagnostic and treatment methods, foreseeable consequences of their application or omission, treatment outcomes and prognosis, within the scope of health services provided by that person and in accordance with their rights.
  5. Wyrażenia zgody na udzielenie informacji wymienionych w pkt. 4 innym osobom.
  6. Patient rights information.
  7. Provision of pharmaceuticals and medical materials and food according to the implemented treatment process and health condition.
  8. Reporting an adverse drug reaction.
  9. Access to medical records regarding the state of health and health services provided to the patient or his legal representative, or the person authorized by the patient.
  10. Secret behavior by medical professionals, including providing health services, patient information, obtained in connection with the performance of the medical profession and others, information entrusted to medical staff about him.
  11. Objections to the opinion or decision of the doctor.
  12. Respect for intimacy and dignity, in particular during the provision of health services and friendly and cultural treatment.
  13. Dying in peace and dignity.
  14. For the treatment of pain.
  15. Personal contact, telephone or correspondence with other persons or refusal of such contact.
  16. Additional nursing care provided by a close person or other indicated person – uprawnienie to jednak może być ograniczone z uzasadnionych względów sanitarno-epidemiologicznych lub porządkowych.
  17. Respect your beliefs and pastoral care.
  18. Obtaining non-medical benefits, which are possible to implement during the patient's stay at the Clinical Center and which do not violate the established order.
  19. Store valuables in a depository.
  20. Reporting complaints and grievances to the Clinical Director of the Center and asserting one's rights.


  1. The person providing additional nursing care is in constant contact with the staff, informs about emerging problems, activities performed and important events.
  2. The hospital allows the person providing additional nursing care to use the toilet, bathrooms.
  3. The Clinical Center allows the person providing additional child care care to stay in a hotel room for a fee specified in the price list.
  4. Caring for a child by a parent is not tantamount to receiving a medical certificate for the child.
  5. Mother breastfeeding her baby, staying in the ward, does not bear the costs of childcare related to her stay in the department.
  6. W szczególnych przypadkach ciężkich stanów chorobowych u dorosłych istnieje możliwość całodobowego towarzyszenia pacjentce za zgodą lekarza kierującego oddziałem.

Obowiązkiem pacjenta przebywającego w oddziale szpitalnym jest przestrzeganie Zasad Organizacyjno-Porządkowych Klinicznego Centrum:

  1. Adherence to the internal schedule of the department's operation.
  2. Staying in the sick room or on the premises of the ward during medical appointments and during diagnostic tests.
  3. Adherence to treatment and diet recommendations.
  4. Be respectful of other patients and staff.
  5. Observing the curfew from 22:00 to 6:00.
  6. Caring, in order not to disturb other patients with their behavior.
  7. Compliance with safety regulations, hygiene and fire hazard.
  8. Staying outside the Clinical Center, unless it is necessary for medical reasons.
  9. Each departure from the hospital ward requires informing the nurse / midwife or doctor, with the time of absence.
  10. Use of heating devices provided by the department – prohibition of using heaters and other heating devices.
  11. It is forbidden to bring and consume alcoholic beverages, the use of intoxicants, no smoking in the entire area belonging to the Clinical Center.
  12. Szanowanie mienia Klinicznego Centrum, a szczególnie zakaz manipulowania aparaturą medyczną, devices and installations.
  13. It is forbidden to stay in utility rooms, treatment procedures without the presence of staff.
  14. It is forbidden to take pictures or use recording devices without the knowledge and consent of the persons concerned.
  15. The patient is jointly responsible for the behavior of his visitors.
  16. The patient is responsible for any material damage, resulting from his willful fault and for valuables, wardrobe, money and documents, which have not been deposited.

A patient reporting to the Clinical Center is guilty:

1. Have documents: proof of identity document (ID card, passport), referral (if required), information cards from previous stays in health care units, current test results.
2. Personal belongings such as: night underwear, extra pillow, slippers, towels, personal underwear, cosmetics and / or care and hygiene products, favorite subject (e.g.. a toy in the event of a child's hospitalization).


After admission to hospital treatment, the patient may return clothes and shoes to the cloakroom for patients against a receipt, and deposit any valuables and money they have.. Deposit (Clinical Center Cashier) accepts transferred valuables on working days, in hours:7.00-14.00. At other times and on non-working days, items to be deposited are accepted by the admission room midwife.


The patient should always sign her consent or refuse to give her consent in writing, for surgery, performing diagnostic tests and other medical services with an increased risk for the patient.


On admission to the ward, the patient sets an individual care plan with the doctor, and then complies with the ordered treatment procedures, diagnostic and rehabilitation as well as the method and type of nutrition. The care plan may be modified during hospitalization, depending on the needs.


Upon admission to the ward, the patient should provide the doctor information about currently taken medications / dietary supplements.
All the patient's own medications should be handed over to the nursing center, against receipt. Own medicines must be in their original packaging with an expiry date not exceeded.
It is unacceptable, that the patient should take medications / dietary supplements independently during hospitalization, without the knowledge of the medical staff of the Clinical Center.


1. Severely ill patients, meals are served by the medical staff of the Clinical Center (nurse, midwife) or a guardian / close person under the supervision of staff.
2. Nursing activities and toilets for bedridden patients are performed by the medical staff of the Clinical Center (nurse, midwife) or relatives, at the patient's request, under the supervision of staff.

Patients staying at the Clinical Center may use:

  1. From pastoral care, direct contact with a clergyman (detailed information from the ward nurse / midwife).
  2. From the hospital chapel and religious rituals held at fixed times.
  3. On the advice of a psychologist.
  4. From own electrical and electronic equipment, e.g.: dryer, telephone, charger, laptop (use is free).
  5. From the newspaper stand.
  6. With extra (paid) meals in the hospital canteen.


1. Meals are given to patients at specific times, taking into account the diet and the ward's work schedule:

  • breakfast
    at. 7:30 – 8:30 - including the 2nd breakfast (for a diabetic diet)
  • dinner
    at 12:30 -13:30 - with a break (diabetic diets)
  • supper
    at 17:00 -18:00 - including the 2nd dinner (for a diabetic diet)

2. Meals should be eaten in sick rooms.
3. The patient should not, bez uzgodnienia z leczącym ją lekarzem, consume food items in addition to these, provided by the Center.


  1. The Clinical Center allows for daily visits to patients.
  2. Patient visits take place every day as agreed in individual departments (information in a given branch) in a way that does not disturb the work of the branch.
  3. In special cases, za zgodą lekarza kierującego oddziałem lub lekarza dyżurującego, these visits may also take place at night.
  4. Patient visits may not infringe the rights of other patients, in particular, the right to respect for privacy and peace and quiet.
  5. In cases justified by sanitary and epidemiological reasons, due to the health of other patients in the ward, odwiedziny mogą być w różnym zakresie uregulowane przez lekarza kierującego oddziałem lub Dyrektora Klinicznego Centrum.
  6. Lekarz kierujący oddziałem może wyrazić zgodę na dodatkową opiekę pielęgnacyjną sprawowaną przez osobę bliską lub inną wskazaną przez chorego, if required by the state of health of the patient.
  7. Lekarz kierujący oddziałem lub lekarz dyżurny, może wyrazić zgodę na całodobowe uczestniczenie rodziny lub opiekunów w opiece nad pacjentem.
  8. The patient's family or guardians may obtain consent to participate in the patient's care 24 hours a day, especially when :

    a) it is in a terminal state,
    b) it is a child,
    c) it is a child showing difficulties in adapting to hospital conditions,
    d) it is a patient after surgery,
    e) it is an aroused patient.

  9. The involvement of family or caregivers in caring for a patient may be within the scope of:
    a) feeding or assisting with eating,
    b) maintaining body hygiene,
    c) zmianie bielizny osobistej/pościelowej, emotional support,
    d) increasing the sense of security,
    e) changes in body position,
    f) help getting out of bed, walking,
    g) help in meeting physiological needs (pool application, taking to the toilet).


  1. Discharge from the hospital ward follows:
    a) gdy stan zdrowia nie wymaga dalszego leczenia,
    b) na żądanie osoby przebywającej w Klinicznym Centrum lub jej przedstawiciela ustawowego,
    c) gdy osoba przebywająca w Klinicznym Centrum w sposób rażący narusza Zasady Organizacyjno-Porządkowe, and there is no fear, that the refusal or discontinuation of services may cause a direct threat to her life or health or the life or health of other people.
  2. Pacjentka występująca o wypisanie z Klinicznego Centrum na własne żądanie powinna być poinformowana przez lekarza leczącego o możliwych następstwach zaprzestania leczenia w szpitalu oraz wypełnić dokument „Decyzja o opuszczeniu szpitala na własną odpowiedzialność.
  3. In the case of failure to submit such a document, the doctor makes an entry in the patient's medical records about the patient's arbitrary departure from the hospital.
  4. Upon discharge, the patient receives an Information Card containing the diagnosis of the disease, treatment and test results and recommendations, to proceed, treatment and lifestyle.
  5. Clothes sent to the cloakroom, pieniądze i przedmioty wartościowe oddane do depozytu, pacjentka otrzymuje po przedłożeniu kwitów depozytowych, suitably in the patients' locker room (clothing, footwear) and the Clinical Center Cashier (valuables deposited). Deposit (Clinical Center Cashier) hand over the valuables handed over on working days, in hours: 7:00-14:00.
  6. Jeżeli stan ogólny pacjentki nie pozwala na jego odebranie, to depozyt przekazywany jest osobie upoważnionej lub osobie uprawnionej do dysponowania ruchomościami pacjentki/prawni spadkobiercy – po okazaniu pisemnego upoważnienia od pacjentki, the depository receipt and the identity document of the recipient. An authorized person confirms receipt of valuables with his / her own signature on the deposit card (at the Center Clinical Office).


Osoba, która nie przestrzega Zasad, bądź narusza je w sposób rażący, może zostać wypisana ze szpitala lub mogą wobec niej być wyciągnięte inne środki dyscyplinujące.

June 2022 r.

Clinical Center of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole is a teaching institution, entitled to practical training for students of the University of Opole.

Therefore, the presence of students is possible when providing health services.

Legal basis:
Act of 5 of December 1996 on the profession of a doctor and dentist Art. 36 paragraph 3. 4 (Dz. U. with 2019 item 537,577,730,1590).

Meals for patients of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital and Newborns in Opole are prepared in the kitchen of the Clinical Center, dla kobiet w ciąży i w okresie poporodowym zgodnie z obowiązującymi standardami.

Meals are prepared on the basis of a menu prepared by a dietitian - adapted to the diet recommended by a doctor - also taking care to provide variety to dishes and balance the value of nutrients. In addition to standard diets, we also respect those resulting from the individual choices of our patients, i.e.. vegetarian and vegan diet. All meals are prepared with the HACCP system implemented in the Clinical Center.
On each floor of the hospital, patients have a refrigerator at their disposal, electric stove, cordless kettle and microwave.


Poniżej publikujemy jadłospis dla hospitalizowanych pacjentek w ciąży lub połogu opracowany zgodnie ze standardami

Aktualny jadłospis dostępny na stronie:


Podczas hospitalizacji w Klinicznym Centrum pacjentki mogą skorzystać z darmowej konsultacji z dietetykiem. Advice on proper nutrition is provided by Mrs. Katarzyna Kupiec - a dietitian. Patients interested in consultation, please contact us at ext. no 471 or 470.

Worth knowing

We encourage you to use the information and advice developed in the project of the Institute of Food and Nutrition Prevention of overweight and obesity and chronic diseases by educating the public in the field of nutrition and physical activity and as part of running the National Center for Nutritional Education.

Valuable information and advice on proper nutrition, regardless of age and diet, can be found on the website: www.ncez.pl, and also take advantage of the free on-line dietary consultation: https://poradnia.ncez.pl/.

Patient opinion survey

We inform, that the patients of the Centrum Clinical Hospital have the opportunity to express their opinion and comment on food. Before the end of hospitalization, you receive an anonymous questionnaire enabling you to express your opinion on. the quality of the services provided, including. meals, which supports the improvement of all aspects of our facility's operations.

Any comments - both positive, as negative - you can also send to the address: kkupiec@ginekologia.opole.pl

Price-list of services:

Price list of services provided in the Clinical Gynecology Center, Położnictwa i Neonatologii w Opolu dla osób nieposiadających prawa do korzystania ze świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej finansowanych ze środków publicznych, provided on the basis of civil law contracts and resulting from separate regulations.

Cennik usług ponadstandardowych – obowiązuje od dnia 1 June 2024 r.

Fee for providing medical recordsobowiązuje od 1 June 2024 r.:



Height fees in PLN


One page of an extract or copy of medical records



One page of copies of medical records



Preparation of an extract, a copy or copy of medical documentation on an electronic data carrier


Legal basis: § 93 Organizational Regulations, in connection with art. 28 of the Act of 6 November 2008 r. on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman (Dz.U.2024, pos. 581)

Paid care

Podczas pobytu w naszym szpitalu oferujemy pacjentkom możliwość uzyskania dodatkowej opieki pielęgnacyjnej.

Provision of additional nursing care is carried out in accordance with Article 23 (1) of the Act of July 15, 2011. about the professions of a nurse and midwife (Journal. with 2012 r. with later changes) a nurse or midwife may provide additional nursing care in a medical entity on the basis of a civil law contract with the patient , a close person or legal guardian. At the same time, pursuant to Article 34 (2) of the Act of. 06.11.2008 r. on patient rights and the Patient Rights Ombudsman (Journal. with 2012 r. item 159 as amended) additional nursing care is understood as care , which does not consist in providing health services, including care for the patient during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. Additional nursing care in the treatment entity may include: accompanying the patient, washing, help with feeding, etc..

Details of additional nursing care should be agreed individually with the selected midwife or nurse.

Below are the midwives and nurses, providing additional nursing care services in our Clinical Center, and people willing to take advantage of such care, please contact us.

At the same time, we inform, that activities related to the additional service may be limited for sanitary-epidemiological and organizational reasons.

Sala Porodowa

  • Iwona Piątek – tel. com. 602 869 555
  • Marzena Mika – tel. com. 692 112 157
  • Katarzyna Janik – tel. com. 506 997 894

Natalia Marcinów – tel. com. 881 736 509

Jednoosobowa sala „Pokój rodzinny” z osobą towarzyszącą
odpłatne świadczenie

From 1 lipca 2023 r. porody, w których uczestniczy osoba towarzysząca, odbywają się zgodnie z zapisami poniższych regulaminów:

  1. Regulamin porodów rodzinnych.
  2. Regulaminkangurowaniapo porodzie w ramach planowanego cięcia cesarskiego porodów rodzinnych

Regulamin odwiedzin Klinicznego Centrum Ginekologii, Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole
obowiązuje od 1 lipca 2023 r. –
Visiting regulations

© Clinical Gynecology Center,Obstetrics and Neonatology in Opole

45-066 Opole
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